Exterior Detail Packages

What's Incldued!

  • Hand Wash and Dry: Thoroughly cleanse the exterior using premium automotive shampoo and gentle drying techniques to remove dirt, grime, and contaminants without causing scratches or water spots.
  • Clay Bar Treatment: Apply a specialized clay bar to the paint surface to remove embedded contaminants such as tar, sap, and industrial fallout, enhancing paint smoothness and preparing it for further treatments.
  • Wheel and Tire Care: Clean wheels and rims to eliminate brake dust, road grime, and grease buildup, followed by tire cleaner application and tire dressing to enhance appearance and provide protection against UV damage.
  • Trim and Plastic Restoration: Treat exterior plastic and rubber trim to restore shine and protect against UV-induced fading and cracking, using specialized dressings to revitalize and shield surfaces.
  • Glass Cleaning: Clean exterior glass surfaces to eliminate dirt, bugs, and water spots to improve clarity and visibility.
  • Sealant or Wax Application: Apply paint sealant or carnauba wax to shield the paint from UV rays, environmental contaminants, and oxidation, resulting in a deep shine and enhanced appearance. Providing up to 6 months of protection.
  • Exterior Trim and Emblem Polishing: Polish exterior metal trim and emblems to eliminate oxidation and restore shine, followed by application of a protective coating to prevent corrosion and dullness.
  • Final Inspection and Touch-Ups: Conduct a thorough inspection of the exterior to ensure all areas are properly cleaned and treated, addressing any missed spots or imperfections through touch-up detailing.

Additional Services:

  • Headlight Restorations
  • Engine bay cleaning
Please note that while we conduct a pre-inspection to identify any existing damage, we cannot be held responsible for pre-existing conditions such as scratches, dents, or paint imperfections prior to the exterior car wash service. An additional charge may apply for heavily soiled vehicles requiring extensive cleaning due to excessive dirt buildup on the exterior. Please see the quick link below
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Extend your mobile detailing with our maintenance plans for lasting vehicle perfection.